Two point five years. 2.5 years. Two and one half years. 2 1/2 years. It’s been 2.5 years since I’ve published a blog post. Astonishing. Ridiculously so. As a writer, and a typically loquacious one at that, I am having a very difficult time fathoming the fact that I haven’t even begun a blog post over these past two and a half years. But considering all that I’ve been going through, it’s not actually a surprise.
Things have been rough.
I thought things were rough 2.5 years ago. But back then I had no idea what was to come. I was still gleefully living in the idea that I’d already dismantled all my constructs. That my ego had died and come back as a perfectly tamed part of my whole. That I’d experienced the dark night of the soul and come through the other side. That my medicine work had begun on an upward trajectory and that all that was happening was on the up and up.
But no.
I had no idea the kinds of trials and tribulations that were to come. That the dark night of the soul I thought I’d been through was nothing more than an interesting dream. That the place where I thought I’d become entirely unraveled was nothing more than a tangled up ball of soul yarn that some cosmic kitten was batting around mindlessly. Essentially, I had an infinite number of miles and a few dimensions more to travel through between then and now.
And here I am.
Knowing that it’s unlikely that everything has been dealt with. There are i’s not dotted, and t’s not crossed. There may be even more unraveling, drama, and conflict, but at least I know now that’s simply part of the human condition. Not another spiritual battle I must prepare for.